Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ultrasound results

Just got back from our ultrasound today and thankfully, everything looks great. Phew! I love being a pediatric nurse, but sometimes the knowledge that comes with that gives me more anxiety than is probably warranted. of course I worried all weekend, thinking of the kids I see at work and wondering if our son was going to be ok... Ugh!

They did a fetal echo first, and spent a lot of time looking at his heart. they didn't see anything concerning--just one beat during the whole exam was a little irregular, and they said that within normal limits.

All the amniotic fluid levels were normal, and they measured him to get an estimated weight--3 to 3 1/4 lbs--on the higher side of normal, but still normal. And we even got a little peek b/t his legs to confirm that he had a penis still! :) (good thing since I already have passed on all our girl clothes!) He is turned sideways right now, with his butt on one side of my belly and his head on the other, with legs up by his head. So he kind of looks breech, but sideways. The tech thought the positioning might have contributed to the larger measurements at my OB's also.

So all in all, it was a very reassuring ultrasound! Thanks for checking in with us and sending your positive thoughts our way.

Much love,
Julie, Todd, Kate & baby brother (who still remains without a name! Any ideas??)


Steff said...

Oh, good good good! Now your mind can rest easy.
I like Greg, and Oliver (Ollie! How cute!) and my all time favorite boys name is Luke. Good luck!

Evan said...

I like the names Petrevan and Evanetra