Friday, March 26, 2010

March updates

Hi all,

Thought I'd take advantage of Kate's nap, and share some family updates for the month. Kate has done well in her "big bed"..still her 3 sided crib, but we are working on getting her a twin bed soon. She does a great job of staying in it during her nap or at night, and loves to just romp around in it during the day too! "Big Bed!" she exclaims! Super cute. Her words are starting to get more clear: uh is now up, baba is now baby. It's amazing to see her little mind work.

Sue & Ryan had their baby Rowan yesterday! Kate was very intrigued with him, giving gentle kisses, and looking very unsure when he started crying. It will be so nice to have him be a little introduction to babies for her. :) He is such a cute baby too!

I had a routine OB appt today to check on our little boy. I'm measuring a couple weeks ahead of where I am, and he had a bit of an irregular heartbeat we're going in for an ultrasound on Tuesday. My OB wasn't too concerned and gave me orders not to worry all weekend--which of course, is easier said than done! Hopefully everything will look fine, but I certainly appreciate your positive thoughts as well!

We're still moving forward with Operation GO (get organized!) and I've almost got all the big things checked off my list. Todd's planning on spending some extra days at home in the next month to try and finish up some house projects too.

I'll keep you posted on how our ultrasound goes on Tuesday.

Much love,


Jen said...

Congrats on the smooth crib to toddler bed transition. We haven't been that brave yet!

And yeah a doctor's orders to not worry are pretty much useless unless accompanied by xanax :) Hang in there, and I'll keep everything crossed for good news on Tuesday.

Steff said...

We will be thinking about you! Keep us posted...

Katie said...

Wow, we aren't going to even THINK about switching from crib to bed. . . you are brave! Glad it's going well.

I will be blog-stalking you tomorrow for results of the ultrasound. Please post when you can!