She's babbling more, lots of mama's, baa's, ffff's, and gaa's. Haven't heard the daa yet, but I'm sure it's coming. She's real vocal, either with those sounds, or she also likes to growl a lot. Must feel funny in her throat! Super cute.
She's starting a bit of the separation anxiety now too. Sometimes momma just can't be close enough for her! It's endearing, but at times trying--for example when I would like to make a run to the bathroom sans child on my hip! :) That's ok though...she's such a love bug that it's hard not to want her with me all the time anyway!
Oh, she also loves to walk around holding our hands. Not sure if this means she'll be an early walker (oh dear!), but she sure loves it right now. We were at the park this week, over by the slides, and she wanted to do some walking. I put her down, holding her hands for balance, and she walked right back over to the swings! So cute! She does love the swings.
A few days before her 7month birthday, she decided that she likes to eat! We'd been offering baby food for about a month prior to that, but she really just wasn't into it. She'd close her lips, turn her head and refuse to eat. She wanted to eat--she kept reaching for our food--but just wasn't ready I guess. I figured she'd eat when she wanted to, and sure enough she did. All of a sudden, when I offered her food she eagerly went for it! We've had lots of fun trying new foods and watching her get it everywhere on her body. She gets excited to eat and has liked pretty much everything we've offered: sweet potatoes, bananas, apples, carrots. Good stuff!
I'm sure there's other new things that she's doing, but I just can't remember them all! I really should post more often, even if it's just a quick update. As it is, it's hard to complete a big post like this! (I'm finally finishing this May 2nd!).
Here are some pictures to enjoy:
Kate in her party dress at one of the many baby showers she attended this month!
Getting ready for an EEG for a research study at the UW (she was such a good sport!)
Mmmm...sweet potatoes!
See, I really do like food!
Playing with my toys!
Good friend Aidan making me laugh!
How many pictures does it take to get all 3 kids looking at the camera?
One? Nope.
Two? Nope. (Kate's trying to eat Charlotte's shoe)
Three? still nope. Aidan's got the smiling down, but the girls are a bit behind! (well at least Charlotte's trying to direct Kate's chewing to something more appropriate). :)
Here's the video of Kate laughing at me tossing her sunhat around the house. At the end, you can see me pitifully roll my ankle and fall down. Ahh, the things you do for a laugh! :)
Her little laugh is so cute! I hope your ankle feels alright now. I enjoyed meeting her again. We will have to hang out again soon.
What fun you guys ~ Julie I hope your finger is ok:) I love love love those laughs, I miss her and hope we can see each other soon! You look great by the way!
Very cute pics and adorable video. I love that she looked concerned when you fell and that you kept the game up despite your obvious injury. Your such a good mama.
I LOVE the laugh. I never realized before Jillian that I would do so many crazy things just to hear that sound!
Wow, what a giggle. Really cute!
Happy Mother's Day Julie! Hope Todd made you a lovely dinner!
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