Monday, May 18, 2009

8 months!

Another month has whizzed by, and I really don't know where it's gone! Kate is getting bigger (fancy that!) and I believe that she is starting to grow some hair. It's still pretty sparse up on top, but I think I'm seeing some new strands of hair pop out of her noggin. :) And although practically every week since December, Todd and I have thought that she's teething, she remains toothless! I suppose it's a good thing, since she's nursing, but it just makes us wonder when they are going to come. I was 9 months old when I got my first tooth, so we'll see what she does. I'm not sure how old Todd was--I'll have to ask Anne about that one!

Just this week she's added lots of "dada's" and a very cute "blah" to her advancing vocabulary. She doesn't seem to relate the mama or dada to either of us yet, but it's certainly fun to hear! I think Todd was pretty jazzed when she started babbling dadadada. :)

She's still desperately trying to crawl, but despite her best efforts, only moves backwards. Lately she just wants to hold our hands and walk all over the place. It's fun to see where she wants to go, and what toys she's trying to get. She's had lots of laughs, and is just starting to getting to be a great cuddler, where she nuzzles her head in or tries to kiss us on our faces. This involves a lot of drool, but is definitely worth it. :)

She's had lots of adventures this month too. While I've been at work, she and Todd have spent some fun time downtown, exploring the central library and going through the market. They've also visited our friends Derek, Corina and their babe Gabriel who just turned one. Sounded like she had a fun time playing with him! She and I have been to the zoo many times this month (gotta love how close it is to our house!) and just last Friday had a great hike through Discovery park. We got a new backpack carrier for her that we're going to use on an upcoming trip to Moab and so we tried it out on the hike. She did really well in it, and I think she liked being up high to look around better. She got lots of cute looks from people. I know, my daughter is the cutest baby ever. :)

I guess this isn't really an 8th month update, but on the home front, we're getting ready for some house projects this summer. We've hired a friend to do some design work for our backyard, and Todd is getting excited (if that's the right word) to re-side and (I say possibly, he says definitely) re-do the porch. It's going to be a lot of work, but will create an entry way for us so that you don't walk right into our family room. I can't wait to have a coat closet!

I just started knitting a little sweater for Kate for this fall/winter...It's fun to have some time to knit again! I'll post a pic once I'm finished with it. Probably will take me 2 or 3 times as long to make it as it did pre-Kate, but I'm getting good at taking advantage of naps now!

Todd's been diligently working though his architecture exams to obtain his license. It's a long process that involves 7 tests, but he's making good progress. Good work Todd! :) He also prepared a wonderful Mother's Day evening for me this month. I had to work all day, but when I came home he had the most delicious dinner ready (roasted chicken with apples & onions, wild rice and lightly steamed chard), with candles lit, and the baby sleeping in her crib. It was too divine.

I'm sure I have some pictures to post, but it's getting late, and I need to go to bed. If I wait to post this after I get pics, I'm afraid that time will fly even faster, and it will be 9 months already. I'll do my best to get some up this week.

Thanks for checking in,
Much love,

1 comment:

Larry, Natalie, Jackson and Adelaide Pruitt said...

Wow, it sounds like you guys have been busy. FYI: enjoy the days of not crawling...just trust me on this one.