Thursday, December 18, 2008

Big Girl Crib

Todd and I decided that we were ready to move our sweet Kate out of the co-sleeper in our room and into her big girl crib in her room this week. She's been a good sleeper, although this past week she was starting to wake up more frequently during the night. I wasn't sure if it was because she was going through a growth spurt, if she was just stirring and I was nursing prematurely, if she just wanted to nurse for comfort, or something else. I also wanted to have her sleeping in her crib by the time I went back to work, so that I could get better sleep. So we decided to try putting her to sleep in her room to see if her sleeping pattern would improve.

Her first night in her big girl crib was on Tuesday night, her 3 month birthday. :) Todd was staying home from work on Wednesday, so we figured if it was a disaster and I was up all night, at least he'd be home from work to take care of her so I could sleep. We did our normal bedtime routine, but in her room instead of ours, and put her down in her crib at 9pm. She didn't stir or fuss at all, and slept until 5am! I nursed her again, and put her back down in her crib and she slept until 7:45! How fabulous is that?!

Last night went almost as smooth. She went down at 9pm, but fussed around for about an hour. She just kept sleeping and then stirring and having tiny little whimpers, but a binky helped and she finally was out around 10. She woke up around 3, nursed, and went back to sleep in her crib until 7:15.

I am so proud of her! She's doing so well! Napping has been a bit better the past few days too. Not sure if that's a coincidence with a better night sleep, but I'll take it. She's spending more naps in her crib and less held by mom and dad. My little baby's growing up! (Ok, now I know just because she's sleeping well right now, doesn't mean that she always will, but it sure feels good right now !)

Check out this great video of Todd trying to get Kate to laugh. It's so fun!


Anonymous said...

It looks like the transition is going well! You guys have the best baby! The video is super cute and funny!

Anonymous said...

It was great seeing you if only for minutes yesterday! You look great and Kate is looking more beautiful every time I see her! Have a safe and wonderful Christmas, safe travels!
Best wishes ~ Petra

Annie said...

That is a great video! Congrats on the move to the big girl crib. Have a great Christmas!

Unknown said...

this just cracks me up!!! i love it!