Monday, July 27, 2009

10 1/2 months!

This summer is flying by as quickly as our little girl is growing! She's a busy girl, crawling everywhere, trying to find lots of mischief. Just this week, she's started to try to stand up without holding onto anything. She kind of bounces up from a sitting position to a half standing, and then plops back down on her bum. It's fun to watch her try to figure it out! She likes to be standing, cruising around the furniture, and is wishing she could walk by herself. I don't think that will be too far off now!

She loves to play in the water. We've been going to the different wading pools in seattle, and she's really enjoyed it. She'll crawl around in it, sit in it, and even bends over and puts her face in the water! She just loves the water.

She's very vocal, with lots of babbling. Occasionally she'll say "bye bye," and earlier this week she said "all done" and "hi baby," although I'm not sure that it's anything more than mimicry right now. There's also lots of mama's and dada's which is fun to hear.

She's a happy girl, and likes to laugh and smile. She's started giving lots of kisses and cuddles, (although sometimes she's too busy to cuddle!), but when it happens, it makes her mom and dad just melt. It's so hard to believe she's almost a year!

I'll work on getting pictures up soon...


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