Friday, August 21, 2009

11 months

How is it possible that our little baby is almost 1 years old?! She's becoming more toddler-esque and less baby every day.

She enjoys eating lots of foods now. Macaroni and cheese seems to be her favorite. :) Lots of cheese and yogurt. Egg on toast, tuna sandwich (although I think more ended up on the floor than in her tummy!), and avocado are other foods she's trying. And cheerios. Lots of cheerios. :) She's also had a few sips of a fizzy fruit drink, and a couple bites of cookie and loves those treats! It will be fun to see her with a big piece of cake at her birthday.

She's still close to walking. Spending time standing by herself, and she's taken a couple steps by herself. I thought she'd be walking by her birthday, but we'll see. She's pretty fast crawling and loves it when we chase her around the house.

She's starting signing a little bit too. She does "all done" and every now and then I get the "milk" sign. I think she tried signing "more" this week, but I'm not positive that's what I saw. She loves to point and gets her point across with that most of the time. She points to EVERYTHING and says "s-da" which we think is "what's that?" So cute!

I can't believe that she's almost 1!

Here are some new pictures of her looking super cute (as always!).

Leave us a message when you check out these cute pics!

Lots of love,
Todd, Julie and Kate


Steff said...

I love it! She is such a big girl! And clearly she loves water. We should arrange a baby get together with Nina and Tim because I have GOT to meet that cutie Blin, also!

idieh said...

She is so adorable! I can see she's developing a sweet personality, too. I can't believe she's going to be a year soon!

danica and nick said...

what a happy little lady! it sounds like you guys are having so much fun with kate. what a little cutie! thanks for the updates.

Larry, Natalie, Jackson and Adelaide Pruitt said...

Great pics. She had the best smile! I can't believe she is almost a year already. Amazing how fast time goes when you want to slow it down.

West Coast Scribe said...

Time flies. Kate is such a beautiful, sweet girl. I'd love to see some pictures from her visit to Lake Chelan, Todd, if you have a few.
Big hugs from us! Hope to see you this fall when we come up to Seattle.
Janie, Josh and Emma