Sunday, March 15, 2009

Half a Year, Already!

This month seems to have gone by particularly fast, even though I know I said this last month, but I think my proof is with the lack of posts! I know you all are probably aching for more pictures of our darling girl, and I'm sorry I've slacked with that! I hope this month I'll do better! :)

Kate is growing into such a lovely little girl. She's a happy, joyful, easy going girl. She certainly has her moments of fussiness and crankiness, but those moments don't last for very long.

She's sitting by herself now, which she absolutely loves. Whenever she's put on her back, she strains to lift her head, shoulders, and as much as her body as she can, to look around and see what's going on. She'd much rather be sitting up to check everyone out, than laying down! She's good at playing on her tummy (as long as she's in a good mood!) and rolls over periodically. She definitely rolls, but she hasn't figured out that she can do it when she wants to. So far, she only rolls when she's fussing and protesting being on her tummy, or if I bring a toy over her head and she rolls to look at it. At least for now we can ensure she gets good tummy time! I've heard that once they realize they can roll whenever they want, it's much harder to get the tummy time in. :)

We've started using highchairs when we're out at restaurants, as well as at home, and she really likes being a part of the action. Todd also popped her in a grocery cart this weekend for the first time, and he said she was loving that too. Anything that gets her sitting up!

She went on a swing for the first time this month too! She thinks swinging is so much fun! She's still a bit tiny so we have to pop a blanket in behind her for a little extra support, but she loves it! She has huge smiles, her legs kick wildly, and she makes her happy vocalizations. It is so much fun for us too. Now we have a good reason to go to the park--it's fun to see her in the swing with all the other little kids playing around. She's not just this little babe that sleeps and eats anymore! She's playing! :) So much fun!

What else?? She's found her feet and likes to try to grab them and shove them in her mouth. She's babbling a lot--she says her vowels and lots of "mmms" and I've heard an occasional "bah." Sometimes she says "mmm mah" and it sounds like momma, and we joke and say that she's a genius and already has her first word! :) Such simple pleasures now.

Her 6 month appt was yesterday (and I mean monday--yes, it's taking me 4 days to get this post written!) and everything went well. Her weight is still hanging around the 10th percentile: 13lbs 8 oz. We've looked at my own growth charts and her weight and my weight have been practically identical. I was 13lbs 4oz. Too funny...we're just a couple of tiny girls!

We've started giving her a few tastes of food, although she hasn't been too interested yet. Well, she acts like she wants food, but then gags or spits it out. She's swallowed a little bit, but not much yet. So we're just taking it easy and following her cues. It sure provides lots of fun picture opportunities!

I'll try to update this month more often than last, but until then, here's some pictures to enjoy!

Thanks for checking in. Please leave a comment for us to read to Kate!

All bundled up and ready for a stroll

Oh, mom...

First time swinging!

Playing with my bff Charlotte (before I mastered sitting up!)

Swinging with my buddy Sam.

Hmmm...not so sure about avocado.

Definitely not sure about this avocado!

Lounging in my high chair


Steff said...

Oh, those avocado pics are great! She's so expressive.
I can hardly believe you have a 6 month old, Julie!

idieh said...

Oh my goodness, Kate! You have such beautiful blue eyes. I'm sorry they fed you avocado (I think it's more of an acquired taste). When your parents start feeding you more adventurous foods, you should try some guacamole, I find that tastes better than plain avocados.

danica and nick said...

She's getting so big! I love the avocado picture + the swingset pictures. Looks like you guys are having lots of fun!