Tuesday, December 16, 2008

3 months old

Wow! How did my little baby become 3 months old already?! It's truly amazing how fast time flies sometimes. She is doing so well! The past week or so has been a bit more challenging--but this is a normal time for challenges to occur as babes are mastering more skills and becoming more aware of the world. She's awake a lot more of the day, and you can really see her looking around taking everything in. She does get over-stimulated more often now, and we have to pay attention to her signs that she's had too much. She's smiling a lot, giving us occasional laughs, and just becoming a wonderfully delightful person.

I'll be heading back to work in January (just part time) and am trying to really enjoy these days with her. It will be great that Todd will get to spend more time with her once I go back, as he'll be taking care of her when I'm at work. I think she's looking forward to more one-on-one time with daddy too!

More pics for you to enjoy:

My dear friend Sarah and her daughter Charlotte (11 mo)(aren't the girls cute in their matching outfits?!)

Todd & Chad doing daddy duty

Sam (Lisa's son)(8 weeks) and Kate (12 weeks)
Sam's almost as big as Kate now!

Cousin Brianna

Kate's first Christmas tree


Steff said...

She IS big! And CUTE! Looks like she's got some hand knits on in one of those pictures... thanks for sharing, your photos are great.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it has been 3 months already. She is just getting cuter and cuter. I love the new pictures and can't wait to see her in person. Is that spit up on your white shirt? You are such a mom.