Monday, November 3, 2008

First Babysitter

Today marks the first day that we left Kate without me or Todd being there! I had a dentist appointment today and had planned on taking miss Kate with me. The office said it was fine to bring her along and leave her in the car seat at the front desk. Unfortunately this morning she was a bit on the fussy side and I was worried that she'd scream the whole time that I was there! She'll tolerate her car seat when it's in the car and moving, but she does NOT like to be in it without movement! So I spontaneously called my friend Stephanie (who's also a pediatric nurse!) to see if she'd be able to watch Kate, and she said she'd love to!

When I left the house, Kate was screaming and Steff was already on the bouncy ball trying to settle her. Yikes! But despite the screaming, I knew she was in good hands! My appointment went well, and 2 hours later I was home. When I walked in the door, I was afraid that Kate would still be fussing, but instead I opened the door to Kate sleeping in Steff's arms while she was knitting! :) What a relief to see 2 contented faces!

It feels good to know that I can leave her and that her world (or mine!) won't fall apart!

Bring on date night!


1 comment:

Steff said...

Hee hee. That was fun. Thanks for the vote of confidence!